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Monday, April 16, 2007

Rain, rain go away

Though my plans to spend the day building an ark faded away when I realized the Home Depot doesn't carry gopher wood, here's what is in store for this week.

Baseball writer Harry Frezza Jr. and I will be recording our second baseball/softball podcast this afternoon, moderated, as always, by our esteemed colleague Jerry Carino. The podcast should be up at by tomorrow morning.

The second softball notebook of the season will run Wednesday in the print and online editions of the Courier News, including a new Top 10, standings and this week's Varsity Spotlight.

Finally, with the Somerset County Tournament slated to be seeded Wednesday evening in a meeting of coaches at Bridgewater-Raritan High School, I will blog about how I would seed the tournament and why. Check back here tomorrow for that post.

That is all for now,

Stay dry!

Here is a link to Jerry Carino's column on Immaculata's Erica Bell, which ran in Saturday's editions of the Courier News

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