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Saturday, March 22, 2008

New and Improved!

Alright, so all I did was pick a new template and change some colors around, but a new season calls for a new look to The Inner Circle.

One new feature, however, is the softball poll (located to the right of this screen). Here, I will give you, the readers, yet another chance to voice your opinions (as if the comment option got SO much use).



* The 2008 Courier News Softball Preview will run Saturday, March 29 in the Varsity section of the Courier News. While the weekly softball notebook ran on Wednesdays last season, this year -- with the return of the Varsity section after a six-year hiatus -- the softball notebook, as well as the notebooks from every other sport -- will run Saturdays in Varsity.

* As a preview to the preview, so to speak, the first podcast of the season is scheduled to be recorded Wednesday evening (March 26), so expect that to be up at sometime Thursday afternoon (we hope).

Those of you who were faithful listerners last season know we began every podcast with a couple of bars from a song, but we've had trouble coming up with a song to use for the opening broadcast this season. Any suggestions?


softballone said...

It is nice to see you back Simeon. We look forward to the coverage on softball. I think that you will get more posts if people can post anonymously. Great new look on the blog site!

Simeon Pincus said...

hmm.. I didn't know anonymous comments were blocked. I'll take your advice and see if I can active them.

I agree, people aren't going to comment as readily as they might otherwise if they didn't have to go through the whole signing up or signing in thing. This site is a pain that way.

Todd Cohen said...

King Pincus has returned! The bridge to good weather is here. I vote for the "Welcome Back Kotter" song to usher in the new season.

Simeon Pincus said...


I was thinking about the "Welcome Back, Kotter" theme song, but, A. I don't know the words, and from what I remember, that song isn't very good, and B. There is NO CHANCE anyone other than a handful of coaches and some of the parents know that tune.

Keep the suggestions coming.