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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Franklin seeks to join GMC

In case you missed Greg Tufaro's story in Thursday's Courier News and Home News Tribune, Franklin has applied for membership in the Greater Middlesex Conference starting in 2010.

Here's a link to Greg's tale

I guess I can't blame Franklin for wanting to move. As one of the reasons Greg mentioned in the story, the Warriors have not been competitive in the Skyland Conference in most girls sports over the past decade and change, and would definitely find better competitive balance in the GMC.

From a softball perspective, while we'll surely miss a program that did have plenty of success in the 70s and 80s, for the good of the student-athletes, I support the move.

ON a related topic, Pingry and Gill St. Bernard's are set to join the Skyland Conference this fall, with rumors abound that Rutgers Prep is to follow (I'll have to try and confirm that at some point, for now it's just rumor).

Of course, with the additions and Franklin's possible secession, the divisions will have to be realligned, which should be another interesting topic for debate when the time comes.

T-minus 68 days until softball season begins!


Anonymous said...


Are you still doing this blog? We always look forward to it so we hope so!

Simeon Pincus said...

I will definitely be blogging regularly as the season draws nearer.

I look forward to another great season!