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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Inaugural Podcast Up

The first baseball-softball podcast of the season is up and can be found at here is a direct link

The podcast, in which myself and baseball writer Harry Frezza discuss the local scene, will be recorded weekly during the spring season.

This first podcast was recorded on Wednesday afternoon, April 11.



Jerry Carino said...

The podcast needs some polishing and a three-man roundtable makes for a lot of interruptions, but the musical opening is definitely a highlight.

We'll get better as we go along.

Todd Cohen said...

Outstanding podcast.

Outstanding blog.

Viva Gannett!

-- Jeff

Bo Racho said...

yo, right here, Pinky!

great stuff.

Simeon Pincus said...

Jerry: Yeah. I agree. On all three counts. Perhaps we can bring in John Foggerty later this season. Maybe he has a daughter playing softball somewhere.

Joker: Thanks for checking in.

Bo: Friday night at the spot in South Bound Brook